Your Freelancer Friend

How to Fire a Freelance Client (Scripts to Copy and Paste!)

Whether you’re discontinuing a specific service or just hate working with a company, it’s wise to learn how to fire a freelance client. I’ve had to do this many times in my decade-long career...

How to Get a Car Loan When You’re Self-Employed

I’ve been a full-time freelancer since 2013, which is great, except for when it comes to applying for loans. Self-employed folks tend to look riskier to lenders, thanks to fluctuating income. This year...

How Much Should a Freelance Writer Charge? Here Are REAL Numbers

Setting my freelance writing rates was the number one challenge I faced as a new freelancer back in 2013. I mean, I agonized over this for hours. I overcharged. I undercharged. I barely scraped by. I...

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